Climate change and the impact on Alaska Glaciers

Google Earth’s newest feature, Timelapse, is highlighting the impact that climate change is having on various regions of the world. With Timelapse in Google Earth, 24 million satellite photos from the past 37 years have been compiled into an interactive 4D experience. Now anyone can watch time unfold and witness nearly four decades of planetary change.

The Columbia Glacier, located in Prince William Sound, Alaska, has undergone substantial changes due to climate variability and glacial dynamics. Google Earth Timelapse reveals the glacier’s significant retreat, showcasing the retreat of its terminus and the fragmentation of its ice shelves over the years.

To see the impact on climate change, view the following animation, which shows the advance and retreat of Alaska’s Columbia Glacier.

Contact Sunstone Tours & Cruises toll-free at 1-888-815-5428 to book your Alaska cruise of a lifetime while the glaciers are abundant.